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1920x1080 Only (Restart)

This isn't exactly a new group. It's a group that got deleted a while ago. The person in charge of it had a lot of groups already & felt they needed to give some up.

I had lots of wallpapers in this group & was sad to see it go. So, I started experimenting with designing a new Group Avatar. One thing led to another & voila: here is the group again!

1920 x1080 is a resolution that many computers have. If I were to come to this website looking for wallpapers, this is the type of group that I would want to find. I've seen many great designs on DN that just wouldn't look right on my 1920 by 1080 screen. This group can solve that problem for many people.

Feel free to put any of your wallpapers in this group that are high quality, & follow the D.N. Guidelines. Please make certain that your wallpapers are exactly a 1920 x 1080 Resolution. I've decided to moderate the group at first, in part because I've had a change in my schedule and can't keep an eye on the group like I thought I would be able to. At some point, I will make the submissions open.

Start adding your 1920 by 1080's --- and have fun! :D

CollieSmile/Elaine :)

Group Information

Last Activity: 8 Minutes Ago
Group Leader: CollieSmile
Moderators: Savannah54
Submissions: Open
Group Visitors: 964,033
Founded: October 17th, 2017

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Wallpaper Description:

Tuesday September 11, 2001 started out like a normal day for me. I drove my children to school and went home to relax. In fact, I had decided to go back to bed for awhile.

The telephone rang shortly before 9AM. It was my Dad. "Tune in to Channel 7" he said. "Okay," I said, and he immediately hung up.

I turned on the television, and heard the news about the first tower being crashed into. Less than 5 minutes later, I saw live, the crashing of the other plane into the 2nd tower. "Oh God", the announcer said.

I basically watched the television for the next 3 days. I will never forget that terrible week, and I doubt that anyone else will either.

On Friday the 14, of that week, I was so depressed. It had been an awful week. The weather was dreary and rainy, which made everything seem worse.

Late in the afternoon, however, I went outside and saw an unusually vibrant and beautiful rainbow in the sky.

It reminded me that God was in control, and that as horrible as things had been that week, it all could have been much worse. It was such a relief to see something beautiful and hopeful in the sky. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who thought so... several Michigan papers had a photograph of that rainbow on their front pages the next day.

After I watched a special television show yesterday, about one of the heroes of 911, I felt that I had to make a special wallpaper. I only had time to make this simple one.

I didn't have time to make a United States Flag, but the red, white, and blue stripes are America's colors. I blurred them to represent the tears of grief that have been shed by people all over the world by this sad event. In the middle stripe on the wallpaper is part of a photograph of a rainbow that I took a few weeks ago. Although it isn't the same rainbow as the one that I saw on 911, the camera angle and the location of this more recent rainbow is very similar to the one that I remember from 2001.

About the Television Show that I Watched Yesterday

Every year I've observed 911, but I've watched very little television about it. It was just too painful to look at again. But yesterday, I saw that I program was about to start, called "The Man Who Predicted 911." I decided to watch it, and I'm so glad that I did.

It was about a special man named Rick Rescorla. He saved many, many lives by evacuating people out of the building before it collapsed. He gave his life to get everybody out that he possibly could. When the 2nd tower collapsed, he was in it.

I didn't know what he had done until yesterday. His story is very inspiring. I am certain that God put Rick Rescorla in the right place at the right time.

Here is a link to an article about him from Wikipedia. I hope that you will take the time to look at it. If this link doesn't work for you, try googling his name.

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