Easy Viewing
Welcome to “Easy Viewing."
What we are looking for in general, is wallpapers that are icon friendly. In other words, a practical wall that will enable people’s icons to show easily, but have attractiveness and style as well.
Walls in this group should have some or all of the following characteristics.
Low contrast muted patterns or images
Blurred backgrounds
A solid background with a small logo on it, or a border down a side of a solid wallpaper.
Solid colored walls are fine. Brighter and pale colors are fine also, as long as there are no sharp contrasts in them.
Walls with a small brighter splash of color or colors.
Walls with several colors are fine as long as the hues and patterns don't cause icons to be hard to read.
January 25, 2015 Hi all... I am going to stop moderating submissions now, and see how it goes. I'll be checking often, to make sure that walls fit in well. Happily, most of them have. : )
Please see the Group Details for more tips & information..
CollieSmile : )